Monday, September 30, 2019

New WW Freestyle Recipe! Thai Coconut Chicken

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog and spent a long time with it today. I wonder what's become of you. After a long haul, I lost 130 pounds and then, through a horrible series of events. I LOST CONTROL and put on 80. So many years of work lost in the blink of an eye. I picked up the pieces - again - and started re-traing my mind. Today is Day 3 100% OP. I guess I'm writing this because, in case you have been struggling, it only takes one more try to get back on the wagon. People here clearly need what you offer. I hope this is not the case and you are just out living life normally without having to hyper-focus on the plan and it is just a part of you now. In either case, it would be so nice to see you again and hear how you are. Take care and God bless.
