Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Should you have Cheat Days? My Experience with Cheat Days

Let's talk about the topic of having a "Cheat" day. I know a lot of people like to use one day a week or once a month and just not count ANYTHING.

In my experience having one cheat day means ruining my work for the whole week. A cheat day could mean 3500 calories which we all know equals a pound. A cheat day for me also means being bloated and feeling gross for about 3 days AND you get stuck with the feeling of wanting to do it again..... I used to do this often and then look back a month later and wonder why I was still at the same weight.

Think about all these things before you decide to do this. It's like spending too much on a credit card and owing the money back.

If your on Weight Watchers you are given plenty of extra points (49) for extra foods and special Dinners and outings.

Don't feel guilty just USE those if you need them. You won't be cheating! Now I never look at the scale the day after I've used a large amount of my weekly allowance. You can almost always bet on being up some due to water weight gain. I do myself a favor and don't look at the scale for at least one day. After a day I am usually all the way back down and sometimes "minus" some.

I had to get out of the habit of doing this. It's just not worth it and leaves your weight bouncing around but not ever going down. I decided to always stick to my points and my weekly allowance and you will continue to lose weight. If I can do it, you can do it!!! HUGS!

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